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Start Here: Intro, Warm-Up and Training Plan
Course Intro (6:06)
Program and Progress Tracker - PDF Resource
Intro to Warm Up (0:35)
Long Warm Up (12-15 min) (10:15)
Moderate Duration Warm-Up (10 min) (10:42)
Short Warm Up (4 min) (4:07)
Level 1 - Roll to Elbow + Split Squat
Tutorial 1: Picking up, and putting down the kettlebell (4:08)
Tutorial 2: Roll To Elbow (2:43)
Bonus: Use the core correctly in Roll to Elbow (6:01)
Tutorial 3: The Split Squat (8:25)
Practice 1 - Roll to Elbow + Split Squat (3:02)
Level 2 - Tall Sit + Lunge
Tutorial 4: Tall Sit (3:11)
Bonus: Knee Position in TGU (2:42)
Tutorial 5: Lunge (4:21)
Practice 2 - Tall Sit + Reverse Lunge (2:25)
Level 3 - Half TGU + Transition Drill
Tutorial 6: Half TGU (3:41)
Tutorial 7: Transition Drill (5:10)
Practice 3 - Half TGU + Transition Drill (4:00)
Level 4 - Transition
Tutorial 8: Transition (2:53)
Bonus: Keeping Heel Down in Transition (5:24)
Practice 4 - Transition + Reverse Lunge (1:49)
Level 5 - Overhead Reverse Lunge
Tutorial 9: Overhead Lunge (2:07)
Bonus: Improve your TGU lunge strength (3:52)
Practice 5 - Transition + OH Reverse Lunge (3:22)
Level 6 - Kneeling Windmill
Tutorial 10: Kneeling Windmill (4:13)
Practice 6 - Kneeling Windmill + OH Rev Lunge (3:38)
Level 7 - TGU
Tutorial 11: Windshield Wipe / Side Step (3:43)
Practice 7 - TGU and RTGU (9:56)
Technique Check
Additional TGU Workouts
TGU Progression Tutorial (10:02)
Workout: Structural Balance (20-25 min) (20:40)
One Minute TGU - the simplest way to boost your strength (5:04)
The Big Three Benchmark (21:34)
Bonus Material
Joint stacking for healthy shoulders and stronger TGU (3:06)
Pressing TGU - Bulletproof Your Press (2:08)
LESSON: Tips on Keeping the Heel Down (8:36)
TGU Mobility - bonus section under construction
Dislocates aka 'shoulder flossing' (2:18)
Kneeling Windmill (1:49)
Arm Bar Progression (7:35)
Frog Stretch (0:35)
Quadruped Thread the Needle (0:48)
Thoracic Wall Stretch (0:43)
Couch Stretch (0:56)
Elbow to Foot Lunge (4:40)
Program and Progress Tracker - PDF Resource
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